Bio Based Industries: pubblicato il nuovo bando 2019
Nuovo bando BBI, che segue la recente pubblicazione del piano di lavoro 2019 della BBI JU.
L’iniziativa Bio-based Industries è una partnership pubblico-privato (PPP) tra Commissione europea e Consorzio Bio-based Industries (BIC), che riunisce oltre 60 piccole e grandi imprese, cluster e organizzazioni pubbliche e private interessate ad investire nella ricerca e nell’innovazione bio-based.
L'obiettivo ultimo dell’iniziativa BBI è facilitare innovazioni tecnologiche che consentano una conversione efficiente e sostenibile della biomassa in prodotti industriali e carburanti/energia all’interno delle cosiddette bio-raffinerie in vista di mettere queste ultime in grado di competere per prezzo e qualità con prodotti basati su risorse fossili.
Per la nuova call di BBI sono stati stanziati complessivamente 135 milioni di euro. La scadenza prevista dalla call è il 4 settembre 2019 e vale per tutti i 21 topic aperti. Per maggiori informazioni cliccare qui.
Si segnala che il bando verrà presentato a Bruxelles il 12 aprile e a Roma il 14 maggio.
Panoramica sul bando
Di seguito i topic suddivisi per orientamento strategico:
Strategic orientation 1. Foster supply of sustainable biomass feedstock to feed both existing and new value chain:
- BBI-2019-SO1-D1 - Scale up conversion of lignin into valuable compounds for application in specific market sectors;
- BBI-2019-SO1-D2 - Produce components for various materials, including for food and feed, from microalgae;
- BBI-2019-SO1-F1 - Valorise the organic fraction of municipal solid waste through an integrated biorefinery at commercial level;
- BBI-2019-SO1-R1 - Use tree species and/or varieties to create new bio-based value chains.
Strategic orientation 2. Optimise efficient processing for integrated biorefineries through R&D&I:
- BBI-2019-SO2-F2 - Apply technological combinations to valorise all components of biomass feedstock;
- BBI-2019-SO2-R2 - Develop breakthrough technologies to improve the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of pre-treatment steps within biorefining operations;
- BBI-2019-SO2-R3 - Apply microorganisms and/or enzymes to resolve end-of-life issues of plastics;
- BBI-2019-SO2-R4 - Develop surface or bulk treatments for improved wood-based materials;
- BBI-2019-SO2-R5 - Convert plant oils and fats into safe high-added-value products for various applications including food and personal care;
- BBI-2019-SO2-R6 - Improve biorefinery operations through process intensification and new end products;
- BBI-2019-SO2-R7 - Model the composition of bio-based residual streams and its evolution to optimise its management and processing.
Strategic orientation 3. Develop innovative bio-based products for identified market applications:
- BBI-2019-SO3-D3 - Produce bio-based functional ingredients and additives for high-end markets;
- BBI-2019-SO3-D4 - Demonstrate bio-based pesticides and/or biostimulant agents for sustainable increase in agricultural productivity;
- BBI-2019-SO3-F3 - Produce high-performance bio-based alternatives to harmful products or processes to protect and enhance human health and the environment;
- BBI-2019-SO3-R10 - Develop bio-based high-performance materials for various and demanding applications;
- BBI-2019-SO3-R8 - Develop sustainable bio-based materials for high-volume consumer products;
- BBI-2019-SO3-R9 - Develop bio-based fibres and/or functional molecules to improve the performance of textile products.
Strategic orientation 4. Create and accelerate the market-uptake of bio-based products and applications:
- BBI-2019-SO4-S1 - Assist brand owners to ‘switch to bio-based’;
- BBI-2019-SO4-S2 - Establish methods and communication for applying mass balance principles to attribute biomass co-feedstock to products;
- BBI-2019-SO4-S3 - Shaping the bio-based economy through a participatory approach;
- BBI-2019-SO4-S4 - Empower SME clusters to bring SMEs ‘across the valley of death’.
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