Innovative Medicines Initiative: nuovi bandi per la ricerca
L'Innovative Medicines Initiative ha pubblicato nuove informazioni sulle call dedicate alla ricerca per medicinali innovativi che verranno aperte a partire da gennaio 2020.
L'Iniziativa Tecnologica Congiunta denominata Innovative Medicines Initiative ha pubblicato maggiori anticipazioni sui futuri bandi per progetti di ricerca dedicati alle medicine innovative. Per maggiori informazioni cliccare qui.
Overview sul bando
L'apertura del prossimo bando (IMI2 - Call 20) è prevista per il 21 gennaio 2020 e potrebbe comprendere i seguenti topic:
- Early diagnosis, prediction of radiographic outcomes and development of rational, personalised treatment strategies to improve long-term outcomes in Psoriatic Arthritis
- Innovations to accelerate vaccine development and manufacture
- Real-world clinical implementation of liquid biopsy
- Tumour plasticity
- Proton versus photon therapy for oesophageal cancer – a trimodality strategy
- Handling of protein drug products and stability concerns
- Academia and industry united innovation and treatment for tuberculosis (UNITE4TB) (questo topic fa parte del programma IMI Antimicrobial Resistance Accelerator)
L'apertura della successiva call for proposals è invece prevista per il 23 giugno 2020 e la JTI Innovative Medicines Initiative sta discuttendo se includere o meno i seguenti topic:
Neurodegeneration and other neuroscience priorities
- Rare neurodegenerative and neurocognitive diseases clinical platform development
- Complement in neurodegenerative diseases
Pain portfolio
- Digital endpoints and placebo effect in chronic pain
Infection control including vaccines
- Development of innovative personalized diagnostics and patient-guided therapies for the management of sepsis-induced immune suppression
- Modelling the impact of monoclonal antibodies and vaccines on the reduction of antimicrobial resistance
Big data, digital health, clinical trials and regulatory research
- Data lakes
- Personalised endpoints
- Returning clinical trial data to patients: The proactive return of clinically relevant information to study participants during and after a clinical trial
- Microbiome
Translational safety
- Pharmacodynamic drug-drug interaction predictive testing by learning algorithms to enhance safety
- Digital vivarium
Facilitating rare disease therapies (including Advanced Therapy Medical Products) reaching patients in Europe
- Clinical outcomes assessments for rare diseases
- Defragmenting and shortening the path to rare disease diagnosis by using genetic screening and digital technologies
Per accedere a una sintesi dei possibili topic futuri, cliccare qui.
Le aziende interessate ad avere maggiori informazioni possono rivolgersi al Life Sciences Desk,, tel. 0258370.409 per approfondimenti.
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