Significant foundation grant extends two-way partnership with Italy through 2020

Agreement will support a number of joint research projects, seminars, lectures, and other programming.


MIT President L. Rafael Reif and Gianfelice Rocca, chair of the Fondazione Fratelli Agostino ed Enrico Rocca, signed an agreement today renewing the Progetto Roberto Rocca, a two-way partnership between the Institute and Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy's top engineering school.
Under the terms of the agreement, the Fondazione will provide $1.4 million to support a number of joint research projects, seminars, lectures, and other programming, including the MIT-Italy Program, through 2020. With this renewal, the Fondazione will have contributed $3.9 million over 15 years in support of the MIT-POLIMI partnership. The foundation honors the memory of MIT alumnus Roberto Rocca.

MIT President L. Rafael Reif and Gianfelice Rocca, chair of the Fondazione Fratelli Agostino ed Enrico Rocca, signed an agreement today renewing the Progetto Roberto Rocca, a two-way partnership between the Institute and Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy's top engineering school.

Under the terms of the agreement, the Fondazione will provide $1.4 million to support a number of joint research projects, seminars, lectures, and other programming, including the MIT-Italy Program, through 2020. With this renewal, the Fondazione will have contributed $3.9 million over 15 years in support of the MIT-POLIMI partnership. The foundation honors the memory of MIT alumnus Roberto Rocca.

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Il valore di un’idea sta nel metterla in pratica
[Thomas Edison]

Se stai leggendo questa frase significa che non stai navigando da qualche minuto e questa modalità di risparmio energetico ti permette di consumare meno quando sei inattivo.

Alle volte per fare bene basta un piccolo gesto: perché anche il poco, giorno dopo giorno, diventerà molto.

Fare impresa sostenibile è il nostro impegno di responsabilità:
significa creare valore per le generazioni future, per gli stakeholder e per l’ambiente.
