Bancopass (eng)

Bancopass supports companies, especially SMEs' and startup, in financial planning and faster access to the sources most suited to their financial needs.

It is the most widespread standardized tool, both territorially (thanks to the participation of numerous confindustrial associations), and in terms of the number of financial stakeholders involved (including banks, factoring companies, leasing companies, mini bond funds, crowdfunding and other fintech and Borsa Italiana for the Élite program).

Bancopass offers the possibility to the companies of the associations participating in the project to obtain for free:

  • personal credential to access a cloud portal where you can find your company's data and:
    • obtain a "one click report" that analyzes the economic and financial situation;
    • easily analyze your Central Credit Register of Bank of Italy, a database that collects data from banks and financial companies (intermediaries) on the loans granted and guarantees issued to their customers (households and firms);
    • build business plans in a guided way;
    • create a unique company presentations that can be sent to major banks and lenders;
    • check how your company is positioned with respect to the sector to which it belongs, by comparing the main performances that compose an economic-financial score;
    • examine how the economic value of your business changes over time, through the most used methods and in relation to the different business plan scenarios created;
    • calculate and monitor the company Alert Indicator, introduced by the italian transposition of the European Insolvency Directive.
  • a personalized support in the relationship with financial stakeholders.

It has been included by the Advisory Support for SME Access to Finance group of the European Commission amongs the European best practice to improve the availability of SME financial and credit information for (alternative) lenders and investors in order to understand an SME's risk profile and take informed investment decisions, as well as reduce the financing costs

For further clarifications, information or any other needs, do not hesitate to contact: .

Azioni sul documento

Il valore di un’idea sta nel metterla in pratica
[Thomas Edison]

Se stai leggendo questa frase significa che non stai navigando da qualche minuto e questa modalità di risparmio energetico ti permette di consumare meno quando sei inattivo.

Alle volte per fare bene basta un piccolo gesto: perché anche il poco, giorno dopo giorno, diventerà molto.

Fare impresa sostenibile è il nostro impegno di responsabilità:
significa creare valore per le generazioni future, per gli stakeholder e per l’ambiente.
